Rangers Team Build Customization Guide

A new Rangers project has just begun, the output of which will be a Team Build Customization Guide. I’m very happy to be the lead for the Custom Activity guidance and reviewer for the Hands On Lab, though hopefully I’ll get a chance to review the other areas too.

We’re currently busy identifying and prioritizing the product back log. If you can think of anything specific with regards to Custom Activity guidance which you would like addressed, please drop be a line ASAP.


5 Replies to “Rangers Team Build Customization Guide”

  1. Correct handling of custom activities. I have a custom Activity in a project and it uses other dll’s in several layer, like:

    My Custom Activity
    ref to a.dll

    ref to b.dll
    ref to c.dll

    ref to d.dll

    First level is solved (a.dll) but after that i get Could not load file or assembly b, Version……..

    all dll’s are added to “version controll path to custom assemblies” in build controller.

  2. I’d like to help if I can! I can’t find any documentation on the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activitites namespace. Some of the activities that come with TFS build sound nice, but it’s hard to know what they do without experimentation.

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