Community TFS Build Extensions — we’re at it again

We’ve called the next release of the Community TFS Build Extensions the ‘August 2011’ release. We released the current ‘July 2011’ release in July this year, so that might give you a clue as to when we are aiming to get the release out. To be honest though, it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere and most contributors are enjoying the sunshine with their families and friends so don’t be surprised if this release sneaks into early September. Smile. As mentioned, we aim to release every 2 –3 months.


The July 2011 release has been well received and we’re happy to see the increase in traffic to the project and subsequent downloads, which are just about to pass the 1000 mark. I’d like to make a special thanks to those who have contributed and helped drive awareness (please let me know if I’ve missed anyone): Mathias Olausson, Jakob Ehn, Guillaume Rouchon, Brian Harry, Martin Woodward, Ed Blankenship, Shai Raiten, Richard Fennel, Ricci Gian Maria, Willy-Peter Schaub, Jeff Levinson, Leonard Woody, Jason Agostoni, Deepak Gupta, Alvin Ashcraft, Jason Haley

So what are we doing in this release?

Most of our work is logged openly on the CodePlex site where your feedback and votes strongly influence what we do, i.e. give us feedback and vote to influence the future of this project! We’re working on a few other things which (for various reasons) are not logged there but yes, we hear you on the documentation front and yes, we aim to (and will) improve our documentation with each release.

Currently the August 2011 release is showing the following


This list will change over the month so run the query to see how we are getting along…

If you are sitting on a bug or would like something implemented, please use the Discussions and Issues tabs on CodePlex. If you’d like to contribute please drop me a line!


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